Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Results of Protien-Indole, Citrate, Nitrate, and Urea.

Protien-Indole Results: Negative. When we added the Kovak's solution after 48 hours, the broth did not turn red. Therefore our bacteria does not have the ability to use tryptophan as an engergy source.

Protien-Indole Restults: Negative

Citrate Results: Negative. Our slant had a tinge of blue on top, but the rest of the tube remained green. Therefore our bacteria does not use citrate.

Protien-Indole Results: Negative

Nitrate Results: Positive. When we added the A&B solution nothing happened. Then we added the zinc dust nothing happened either. If no change occures when the zinc dust is added after ten minutes, then the test is positive for nitrate reduction and nitrite ions are present.

Nitrate Results: Positive

Urea Restults: Negative. Our bacteria does not have the enzyme that breaks down urea because the test tube turned yellow. If the tube remained red it would indicate a positive result.
Urea Restults: Negative

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