Thursday, September 8, 2011

Collecting an Environmental Sample of Microbes

Our first assignment was to collect a microbe from anywhere in our school environment. The purpose of this is to see that microbes live everywhere all around us in our daily lives. Lauren collected Environmental Sample #1 from the woman's room soap dispenser handle, and Kelly collected Environmental Sample #2 from a bicycle seat outside of Cosmos & Damian Hall.  Gathering a sample of microbes from any given surface is done by soaking a sterilized swab in liquid agar broth, swabing the area to be tested, and then streak or wipe the swab all over an agar plate in every direction. The plates are then put in a room temperature incubator for 24 hours to see if anything will grow.

The agar plates went from looking like this...

To an explosion of microbial growth...
Enviromental Sample #1:
Environmental Sample #1

Enviromental Sample #1 Close-up

Enviromental Sample #1 Close-up

Enviromental Sample #2:

Environmental Sample #2

Environmental Sample #2 Close-up

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